Libyan Academy Benghazi

A general educational facility for postgraduate studies, research and human resource development.
The Academy was established in the year (1425 ) from decision No. (996) establishing the (Academy of Graduate Studies and Economic Research) and its headquarters will be in Tripoli – Libya. The decision specified the academic degrees awarded by the Academy to its graduates, which are:

1- Postgraduate Diploma.
2- Master’s degree.
3- PhD.
The decision also stipulated that the Academy teach all disciplines and according to the available capabilities.

In the year (1427 ), and from decision No. (94), a branch of the Academy was established in the city of Benghazi.

The Academy expanded during the previous years until the division of the Academy into scientific schools was approved as follows:
1- School of Humanities and Languages Sciences .
2- School of Administrative and Financial Sciences .
3- School of Basic Sciences.
4- School of Engineering Sciences.
5- School of Legal Sciences.
And with the issuance of council of ministers decision No. (167) for the year (2012 ), the name (Higher Studies Academy) was changed to the name (Libyan Academy), and its subordination to the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research was confirmed.